Section 3 Our Separation From God - 08 Born Saints

Question: I knew I was a born saint only because you told me so. Is this the only way that one finds out? Are there other ways that a born saint can know he/she is a born saint or not?

God’s answer:

I make the distinction

Question: How come I haven’t read anything written about this? Did you tell other born saints they are born saints--- if so, why didn’t they write about this? Did they use another term?

God’s answer:

Chosen by God
They concealed the fact

Meaning: The terms they would use is “chosen by God”

Question: Why?

God’s answer:

I told them so. It was too controversial.

Meaning: There was a high risk of persecution

Question: So, why now?

God’s answer:

Anything goes
Society is more open

Question: Can you please confirm your answers?

God’s answer:

You are radical

A Beatnik by definition is “a person who participated in a social movement of the 1950s and early 1960s which stressed artistic self-expression and the rejection of the mores of conventional society; broadly : a usually young and artistic person who rejects the mores of conventional society”12

Question: This is a 1950-1960’s term, why did you not reveal it then or any time after? Why only now?

God’s answer:

They were still too conservative when it came to religion.

Question: And now we are not?

God’s answer:

You embrace various beliefs.

Question: Is this good or bad?

God’s answer:

It works for Me.
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